Wrap vs Wrapless Cue

The debate wrap vs wrapless cue has quite a lot of factors that can make one decide which one to prefer wrap or wrapless cues. Some say it is a matter of feel of the feedback, some refer to the overall experience of the stroke, some consider the aesthetics of the cue while for others a sweaty palm decides the selection of whether to buy a wrapped or no-wrap cue. A wrapped or wrapless cue still require you to hold a cue stick properly irrespective of the kind of pool cue you have bought. I would like to talk about this debate from different perspectives.

Humidity in the Playing Area

I would like to take this from a scientific perspective. If you are living in a zone where it gets very humid during certain parts of the year then going for a wrapped cue would be a good decision for the longevity of the cue stick. If you are living in a relative dryer zone and you dont have the problem moisture in the air or sweaty palms then a wrapless cue would work great for you.

Sweaty Palms

Some people sweat more than the others and a sweaty palm can make you miscue more than others. For those who sweat should opt for the wrapped cue. They will not experience a decrease in the grip. A wrapless cue for a sweaty player can decrease the life of the stick if it is not properly varnished. For an expensive stick, sweat can take away the shin and expose the wood to the moisture in a matter of a few months. So expensive or an inexpensive stick, the friction and mineral in the sweat can take away the smoothness from the grip area.

Cost of Stick

The kind of wood used on the stick is one of the determining factors for the price of the cue. One interesting factor to note is that, often the custom cue makers put in cheap wood under the wrap and still quote you a higher price for making a custom cue. So it is necessary that you clarify the grade of the wood used under the wrap.

A wrapless cue stick has the wood exposed completely. The manufacturer has little to no room in hiding the quality of wood from an experienced buyer. So buy a wrapless cue, if you are not sure about the quality of wood under the wrap.


The inlays can increase the cost of the cue stick. A wrapless stick allows the manufacturers to show the art on the butt. For those who feel confident by playing with a good looking cue can go for a wrapless cue with inlays but the technique has to be good whether you play with a wrapless cue with or without in lays.

To cater those who want a good looking cue can buy a stick with a fancy wrap.  A wrap may not increase the quality of the stick because the wood underneath may not be of the same high quality as that of the shaft.


Yes, it can be removed but I will not recommend that because you will expose the area under the wrap which had channels on which the wrap was fixed on. Overtime more moisture would collect on the stick and it may bend. Consider selling the wrapped cue if you are thinking about the transitioning from wrapped to wrapless cue.