Getting Used to a New Pool Cue | Factors which affect transition Period

So you have bought a new or you are planning to buy a new pool cue but you are worried about how long it will take getting used to a new pool cue. It can take from one month on average to 3 months sometime before the transition phase is completed.

Why It Takes Long To Change Pool Cue

There are multiple reasons that can impact the time of transition. If there is more difference between your old and new cue then it will take more time to do the transition. Let’s take a look at some of the factors in little detail:


The reason why it takes some time in getting used to the newer stick is that there can be a difference in the weight of your old and new pool cue. Weight can change the amount to momentum transferred to the object. If you do frequent miscues then with a heavier weight you will pass on more unrequired momentum to the ball. Hence it will take some time to get used to the new weight in case you are playing with a different weight cue.

Balance Point:

The balance point of both cues may be located on different positions. It can change the way you hold your pool cue. A balance that is nearer to the butt is preferred by some while for other players balance point near the joint is more helpful.


Some cues tapering is sharper than the other. It depends if your older cue had a thicker shaft or uniform tapering. It can be tricky to see what is the difference in tapering between both cues. Tapering is as important as weight because how you move the cue on your bridge can change dramatically by tapering.

Joint Style:

Although a lesser impactful factor but it is still a point to consider. The way uniloc or pin joints behave to the feedback of the shot is different. It can even contribute to the location of the balance point.

Different Tip Size:

The nature of the tip varies in terms of density and tip diameter. A tip with a bigger diameter of 14mm is more forgiving but is weaker to transmit the English onto the cue ball. Another way the tip effects the transition is the nature of the density. You can check the hardness of the tip of your previous and cue ball. This factor is controllable because if you have experience in changing the tip of the cue then you can quickly do the transition in terms of the tip.

But the way the tip will behave with the rest of the factors mentioned above can be still under consideration.

Cue Material:

The material cue is made of can vary from wood to carbon fiber. The way these materials interact after hitting the cue ball can vary. Although the impact is lesser when compared to weight but this is one of the factors that affect the transition period length.


I have discussed this deflection comparison in great depth. If your previous cue was not a low deflection cue then you will experience a longer transition period. Low deflection cues are better and will help you improve the game faster when you have learned to do the adjustment with a new low deflection cue.

Final Thoughts:

From 1 to 3 months the transition period can vary. If there is less difference between both cues in terms of the factors mentioned above then the transition period can be a few weeks. The more the difference is the longer it will take you to adjust with the new cue.

You will get second thoughts in your mind to revert back to the old cue but I would highly recommend you to stick with the new cue. You have bought it because of its better features. A lot of research has been put for the improvement of the pool cue.  The confusion in your head is completely normal. Keep your patience and you will begin to pot more with your new cue.