Best Glue for Pool Clue Tips

No doubt, when it comes to pool cues and tips, the quality and type matter a lot. Just like that, we cannot deny the importance of high-quality glue that you use while replacing the cue tip.  After all, it holds the cue tip to the cue stick strongly and firmly. This post will help you get teh best glue for pool cue tips.

As a professional pool player, you just can’t go to the club and start playing while ignoring the basic needs that your cue tip may need. For example, your cue tip needs to be replaced and you use cheap glue for this. This might be a cause of your embarrassment

Imagine going to the club to play pool where all of your friends are watching how you are gonna make a perfect shot. But, at the same moment, your cue tip fells off on the table. Damn! No situation might be shameful like that. It will not only be a cause of humiliation but also make you lose the game. However, no one ever wants to fail against his/her opponent. Right?

So, never underestimate the importance of high-quality glue.

But, what is considered the best glue? It will give a strong and firm bond to the cue tip and ferrule. Secondly, it avoids regular glueing and stays durable for a long time. Thirdly, it is easy to apply as well as settles and dries out quickly,

Before heading towards the best Glue for pool cue tips, we can have a little discussion about the process or method of sticking the cue tip. Well, it is as much important as finding the best glue for the pool cue tip. If a person doesn’t glue the cue tip correctly, the consequences will be the same as Losing your shot and shame.

List: Best Glue for Pool Cue Tips

NamePriceRatingDry Time
 Professional Grade Cyanoacrylate
Click Here45 seconds4.4
 Super Glue 15187
Click Here30 seconds4.5
 Gorilla 7700104
Click Here45 seconds4.6
 Tip Repair and Replacement Tiger Glue
Click Here55 seconds4.5
Loctite Ultra Gel Control Click Here60 seconds4.5

Professional Grade Cyanoacrylate

Professional Grade Cyanoacrylate review

If you are one of those who want to stick their cue tip with ferrule in seconds then you are at the right place. This cyanoacrylate glue provides strong and gives a strong bond that stays the same for a longer time.

This is multi-purpose glue. If you are thinking that it will only work for the pool cue then you are absolutely wrong. It can glue from boxes to the chair legs and even strongly held them for a very long time. It won’t be looking like that you have to fix it with this super glue because it will hold strongly even the bigger things like chair. Also, the company gives the option of buying it in several viscosity.

One more amazing feature is that it dries out very quickly and settles out the things very smoothly. If you are in a hurry for pool match and your cue stick tip needs to be glued, then you can just apply it and will be settled in just 45 seconds. You will be ready to go in no time.

It also works well for school models and projects. Whether you want to glue the fabric with glass or the foam with sheets this proves to be helpful. It also comes with a nozzle that makes it easier to apply the glue. Moreover, the company gives 60 days guarantee. So, if you are not satisfied with the glue you can return it.


Dries Quickly

Firm bonding

Great value


The container is not good

Not a gel glue

Super Glue 15187

Super Glue 15187 review

It comes in a sturdy plastic box. Therefore, there will be no fear of leakage of the glue. This glue works best on the non-porous material. That does not mean it won’t work on other materials. This liquid glue also attaches the ferrule and tip strongly with each other. If you have jewellery or Fingernails that you need to fix, then this can also work for this purpose.

Most of the materials in our houses are of woods, so if you have one that is broken, you can apply this glue on it and it will be fine. It only takes 10 to 30 seconds to get dry as it has a fast-drying formula in it. Each tube is of 2 gram and this pack comes with 12 tubes. Moreover, the applicator will prevent running of extra glue from the tube.

It also comes in clear as well as in gel colour. In this way when you apply the glue on any medium, it will not be clearly visible. For open tubes, it has a shelf life of one month and for the un-opened tubes, it has the shelf life of 12 months if it is stored in room temperature. However, if you store the un-open tube in the refrigerator, it would have a shelf life of 18 months. It would be best if you wear some gloves on your hands before applying the glue.


Best holding power

Dries out quickly


Might be hard for you to open the package

Great Value

Gorilla 7700104 Super Glue Gel

Gorilla 7700104 review

This gorilla super glue gel comes in many packing. Whether you want to get 2 or 3 glue bottle, it will come in one packing at cheap price. It dries within 45seconds. This glue is designed in a way to absorb shock, impacts, and drops. Just like Cyanoacrylate glue, it works for almost every material. No matter you want to glue the paper or foam it will be quite helpful for you.

It does not run like other liquid glues and stays in a place. In this way, It would not be messing around everywhere like other liquid glues. To keep the glue wet and avoid the glue from drying out it uses anti-clog cap. It is thick gel glue so it is perfect for vertical surfaces.  You can glue the cue tip very easily with this gel clue.

As it is a gel glue, it would not be prominent on the cue tip and would not look bad. Don’t forget to wear gloves before any application. Otherwise, it might stick your fingers together very terribly.


Easy to use



Directions on the glue might be wrong

Tip Repair and Replacement Tiger Glue

Tip Repair and Replacement Tiger Glue review

This tiger glue is specially made for the cue tips. If you have problems with the older tip then you can replace it with the new one using this tiger glue. It works very well and holds the ferrule with the tip very strongly. There will be no extra glue if you remove the excess after putting the tip into the ferrule

Within 10 minutes, it makes the tip ready for use. You can easily wander with this glue applied cue tip in the club without any hassle. One bottle keeps one oz glue.  You can easily take it everywhere with you and can use it whenever it is needed.


Firm bonding


Not multi-purpose

Loctite Ultra Gel Control Super Glue

Best Glue for Pool Clue Tips

It is like a water-proof glue. If you stick something with this glue and keeps it in water, it will still keep working. This glue provides really strong bonding with which you can glue everything you want. Also, it resists water, shock, impact and vibration for daily use materials.

It is formulated in a way that it is water-resistant and do not get a drip or run. No matter your cue tip needs to be replaced or your sole of shoes is broken, it is versatile and works on almost every material. Moreover, it is invisible so It won’t look annoying.




High Quality


The design of the bottle might be disturbing

How long does it take for Cue tip Glue to dry?

It depends on the type of glue that you are using. Most of the super glue gets dry within a minute or two. However, don’t be in a hurry to use it right away. You can wait like 10 to 30 minutes depending on the quality of glue.

How to Glue Cue Tip?

The process is easier than you think. It won’t take more than 10 or 15 minutes. Just follow the step-by-step instruction. Tools you would need are sandpaper, razor, tip shaper, and glue.

1: The first step is to cut the existing tip. For this, use a sharp razor and cut it from the point much closer to the ferrule.

2: Now file the extras of the older tip using sandpaper. Be careful that you are not scratching the ferrule.

3: After that, with the same sandpaper, gently file the bottom of the cue tip that you will be going to fix there.

4: If this is your first time then it is better to cover the ferrule with the masking tape to avoid leakage of glue while sticking.

5: Use your preferred glue that works best. Now apply that glue on the bottom of the cue tip and the ferrule.

6: Make sure that you are placing the cue tip, right at the centre of the ferrule. Now press it tightly for some minutes until it gets dry. If you have tip clamp, then you can also use it for this purpose.

7: After that remove the masking tape and clean off the excessive glue

8: Now shape the excess tip by holding the cue tip down. Use the same razor for this purpose as well.

9:  Lastly shape off the dome. If you have tip shaper then it’s good and if you don’t then by using high grit sandpaper you can give the finish to the dome.

Another question that usually comes into the mind of pool players is

Cement Glue or Super Glue, Which one Works Best for Cue tip?

Super Glue is considered better than cement glue for cue tips. It is because it takes time to set. However, there is one advantage of cement glue on which you can say that it is better than super glue. In super glue, when you stick leather tip, the glue drips inside the tip and it affects the overall properties of the tip. Whereas the cue tip cement takes at least 30 minutes to get dry. These are the most prominent disadvantages of both types of glue. Normally, most of the players use super glue.

Finally, let’s move towards the best glue for pool cue tips

Final Words

As a pool player, you surely want to get the perfect shot. When it comes to striking the ball and throwing the ball to its ideal position, we can count several factors. It includes the position of your body, placement of hands on the cue, type, and quality of cue as well as the performance of the cue tip.

Well, Cue tip is the actual part that hits the ball. Don’t you think it should be of high quality as well as perfectly sticked to the cue? Off course, it should!

We have mentioned everything from the method of glueing the tip to the best glue for the cue tip. Now, if you have decided that which glue you are going to buy, don’t forget to take a look at its buying guides. It will surely gonna help you a lot.