How To Shock A Well

If you have a well, then maintaining the quality water is extremely essential. After all, no one likes to drink unhealthy water. Safe and healthy water keeps you protected from any unforeseen diseases and other harmful elements. Using a good quality well filter can also improve the water. We have prepared a comprehensive tutorial so you know how to shock a well in a safe and efficient way.


What does it mean to shock a well?

These harmful elements such as iron bacteria and sulphate-reducing bacteria are not only dangerous to your health but also for your well, so removing these timely and adequately is also vital for your well. There are many particles that are hazardous to our health and for well, but the most damaging is iron bacteria and sulphate-reducing bacteria. To remove these bacteria from your well there is only one profound method: shocking a well with chlorination.

Therefore, shocking a well means to perform some sudden action that will change the quality of the water. The bacteria will be attacked suddenly and little to no chance exist for its recovery because of the sudden procedure.

Shocking a well does not mean to electrocute the well. Doing any such thing can be extremely harmful because the water goes through the home as well. Ineffective insulation can result in any dangerous situation.

What is shocking chlorination?

Shock chlorination is a method to control and remove the bacteria from water wells. It includes adding a particular amount of chlorine or household bleach in the well and pumping it by using a water distribution system. After adding the bleach or chlorine pumping allows the well to circulate through all the water system and faucets. In this way, the chlorinated water in the well removes bacteria and other particles from each faucet and part of the water system.

As for the shocking of a well, you can do it yourself or if you are not used to this sort of work or don’t know how to shock a well, you can hire the services of professionals. Whatever the case may be, always remember to perform the task in a safe and controlled manner.

How to shock well by Chlorination?

To shock a well, you can use bleach with chlorine around 5 to 5.25% concentration. The amount of chlorine and bleach also depends on the type of well.

Dig well (1 meter/3 foot diameter)

Use 1 litre of chlorine for every 5 feet depth of water. If you don’t know the level of water, measure it by using the well casing.

Drilled well (15 centimeters/6 inch diameter)

Use 5 ounces of chlorine for every 25 feet depth of water.

WellPoint (5 centimeters/2 inch diameter)

Use 3 ounces of chlorine for every 10 feet depth of water.

The Process

After calculating the right amount of bleach, follow these steps to shock a well:

Store water 2 days as per your consumption. You can’t use the well water immediately after shocking a well as it is chlorinated.

Pour the bleach into the well. Mix the water by attaching a hose to a water tap, running well water through the hose and then back. To simplify, allow the chlorinated water to circulate through the water system.

Disconnect all the water filters such as carbon water filters because carbon filters will eliminate the bleach and chlorine from the well water, and any water pipes will not get clean. If shocking a well due to unsatisfactory water results, replace the carbon filters. Normally, carbon water filters are used to keep the germs away from the well but in this case, they are not required and if not removed they will remove all the chlorine from the water.

Now, run the bleached water through all the taps until you feel a strong odour of bleach. This will make sure that water is circulated from all water pipes in your house.

If you feel that the smell is poor, pour more chlorine to the well until you get the strong odour from the water taps.

Remember that you must treat all the water treatment equipment such as a water heater with chlorinated water when shocking a well.

Backflush all the water filters.

Leave the bleached water in the water system for at least 12 hours you can leave it more than 12 hours but at least 12 hours so it can remove all the bacteria from the well water.

Now in this step, clear bleach from the water in the well by running a hose to the surface. Then clear the water from the taps and pipes until there is no odour of bleach in the water.

Don’t use too much bleach in the septic system, it can kill all the bacteria that are helpful in the decomposition of harmful bacteria.

Now you can attach all the carbon filters or you can use new filters.

Remember, don’t use the well water before 48 hours. After 48 hours test the water to make sure it is safe to use.

Can Potassium Chlorate be used for Shocking a Well?

No, it is not suitable to use Potassium Chlorate for shocking a well neither we will advise you to do so. The reason being, if dissolved in water Potassium Chlorate may leave the salt like substance in the bottom of well and corners which can’t be removed and water will be not suitable to use.

Safety Precautions

The process of shocking a well is not that difficult but demands vigilance and attentiveness. There are also some safety precautions that you must follow properly.

Electrical Safety

You might be working with electricity when shocking a well. Electricity and water can be a lethal combination. So if you are not that experience in electric work seek professional’s help.

Switch off the power from the circuit breaker or fuse. You should not turn on the electricity to the pump until chlorine is used in the water.

Electrical safety measures:

  • Turn off the power before working on the well.
  • Wear waterproof rubber shoes or boots.
Chemical Safety

Chlorine or bleach is dangerous for the human body especially for eyes, so be vigilant while using it and follow the safety directions.

  • Avoid direct contact with bleach.
  • While using the bleach wear goggles and gloves.
  • Handle bleach with extra care.

Avoid using or mixing bleach with any other liquid as this can cause an explosion or may form toxic gases.

Never leave the chemicals or bleach bottles on the ground. This can be dangerous for kids.

Respiratory Safety

In the well, there are toxic gases and lack of oxygen. Depth of well does not matter in this, even a well with short depth is dangerous and may contain toxic gases. So, never enter in it as the space is limited and you can’t get out immediately in case of any problem.

  • Use bleach in well-ventilated space. Never go into the well for any purpose.
  • If you think well is too disinfected, seek the help of experts or pump installers.

In the end:

So, we hope that after reading this guide you have an idea about how to shock a well and you are able to perform this by yourself.  For some people, it may be a little difficult process and you might face some brief problems such as discoloured water, and stains on laundry. However, these are only temporary and will not last for long. It is important to mention that in some severe cases you will have to perform the process more than once.